A Guide to Moving with Pets: Making the Transition Smooth


Pets are exciting friends to have. When moving, most people forget about them, which affects how they adjust to your new home. That’s why you must ensure you have an excellent plan for how you will move them. Note that animals conform to routines; hence, a move makes an ultimate shake-up for them. Moving is always challenging since there are a lot of things to manage. You should consider hiring a reputable moving company such as Rodi Moving & Storage to help you with the process until you settle in your new home. They will manage all the logistics and ensure all your property, including your pets, is safeguarded. They will ensure they give you enough time for you and your pet as you prepare them for the move. Below is an incredible guide to moving with pets.

Continue With the Same Routine

Pets often love a routine, especially dogs and cats. The more you change the habits, the more anxious they will be, which can lead to a lack of cooperation by your pets. To keep your pet’s stress level down, you must train them on a specific routine that can be crucial during and after your move. Ensure that you feed your pet at the same time as usual. You will decide the best time to start training them. In addition, never skip playtime or regular walks. This will help them even after moving.

Familiarize Your Pets with Packing Supplies and Boxes

Moving can affect pets emotionally as they affect you and the kids. You need to prepare them for the move to make it easy psychologically. One of the best ways is to introduce the moving boxes and supplies days before the move. This will help them calm down on the moving day and feel comfortable. You can place boxes and supplies in a less commonly used room. Note that your pets will be curious initially but get used to it, which is excellent during the move. Training your pets this way helps reduce disruptions and box attacks as you get closer to the moving day.

Introducing a New Pet Into Your Home: Tips for a Smooth Transition

Contact Your Vet

Before moving, especially if you are going to another state, you must contact your vet. Your pet’s vet knows a lot about your pet’s condition and what it needs. They will also help you manage stressful situations. In addition, they will teach you better ways to reduce your pet’s anxiety levels. Book an appointment with the vet weeks before the move and confirm if your pet has received all the vaccinations and what might be required when moving. It is critical to ensure your pet is healthy when moving since finding a new vet in your area might be challenging. However, you can ask for a recommendation for a new vet if you have not found one in your new community.

Get Your Pet Ready to Move!

Always ensure your pet is comfortable and learns its routine days before moving. In addition, pack a separate emergency bag with your pet’s essentials. This includes kitty litter, favorite toys, a blanket, and water bowls. This will ensure that your pet is comfortable, especially on the first night.

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