Flat Roofing Alternatives for 2020


Flat roofs are gradually losing their popularity due to how prone they are to issues. The people who are more likely to have problems with flat roofs are commercial building owners and business owners. One particular problem that people have with flat roofs is their lack of aesthetic appeal and their lack of durability that makes unsuitable for heavy foot traffic.

People who are not satisfied with flat roofs can look for suitable alternatives for their buildings. Building owners will need to look for the best Beckley, WV roofer to ensure that they’ll only have a high-quality roof for their buildings.

One alternative to flat roofing is built-up roofing, which is well-known for its durability and longevity. Built-up roofs can be made up of either tar-saturated paper or liquid tar as well as several layers of gravel, asphalt, rolled asphalt, or modified bitumen. The layers are the ones to thank for the durability of the built-up roofs.

Spray-applied roofing is another ideal alternative for flat roofing, and roofers use either the Spray Polyurethane Foam or SPF or the Roof Coating. The SPF has been in the US for 50 years now. Roofers apply SPF by spraying them on the roof until there is a solid layer of foam covering the roof. SPF is well-known since it is easy to install, has excellent performance, is energy efficient, is cost-effective, and can last a long time. Roof coatings, however, are newer, but they can also perform exceptionally. Roof coatings are also easy to install and are waterproof.

One last excellent alternative to flat roofing is the synthetic or single-ply membrane, which is made up of various flexible sheets of synthetic polymer that makes this roofing easy and safe to install. Synthetic membranes are also waterproof since they’re a polymer-based roofing material. People can choose from EPDM, PVC, and the TPO for their roofing.

People should only trust the best Beckley, WV roofing company to guarantee that they’ll only have the best roof for their buildings. For more information, see this infographic by Fahey Roofing Contractors.

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