7 DIY Kitchen Cabinet Ideas for a New and Refreshed Look


Are you sick of seeing the same old and tattered kitchen cabinets in our kitchen?

Do you want to give all new look to your kitchen but the cost-bomb is stopping you?

Then stick to the page.

Well, kitchen cabinets are more than a storage space. They are the most integral part of your kitchen that could upstate the style quotient of your kitchen. When styled with innovation and precision, they hold all the power to enhance the interior of your house. But the catch is, with continuous and rough handling, they tend to lose sheen and shine.

While the spick and span cabinets bring extol for the owner, the tattered ones put you off. Getting a renovation is again a pricey affair which compels you to continue with those boring and dull kitchen cabinets. Here are our experts’ DIY kitchen cabinets tips which will give your kitchen cabinets a much-deserved and required renovated and refreshed look at a peanuts’ cost. The major investment in these renovating tips is nothing but imagination. Let’s find out.

A fixture says a lot

The first and foremost tip of our experts’ is that never overlook any factor. You never know which one will surprise you to the core. Even the insignificant DIY kitchen cabinets make a huge difference when used properly. One such tiny element of your kitchen cabinet is a fixture. Often left unnoticed, these small pieces can add tons of oomph to your gloomy and dull kitchen cabinet at an affordable cost. Brass fixtures are raving these days as it makes your cabinets pop-out and noticeable. Antique or shiny, gloomy or matte, whatever you pick, a brass fixture will surely give a refreshed look to your regular kitchen cabinets.

Let the cabinet shine

You have an open storage space over your kitchen cabinets which always stay dark and gloomy. The gloominess often overshadows your cabinets as well. Well, we have an idea for you. But some cheap yet breathtaking LED light taping and put them there. You can either fill the storage with them randomly or can decorate them in a pattern. Both ways, they will fill your kitchen with liveliness and will make your cabinets shine out.

The power of wallpaper

Do you have some leftover strips of wallpaper lying back in your storeroom? Bring them all in action by putting them over your cabinets. The flowery print looks highly striking. You can use them by putting them in the back door of your cabinet and take the delight of a breezy feel the moment you open your cabinets.

Get a grid

If you have some open DIY kitchen cabinets in your kitchen, get a grid. Metal or wooden, both accentuate the overall look of your ordinary and regular cabinets. One thing to keep in mind here is to take the measurements properly as each inch matters. A grid is also highly useful when you want to extend your storage space as well.

Play with colors

While buying new kitchen cabinets is not a feasible option all the time, coloring them is. If you want to give a changed look to your kitchen then just paint your cabinets. Faux wooden paint, metal paints, and many other paints option are available in the market, you can easily pick as per your taste. Colors instantly change the look and feel of your kitchen cabinets that at an affordable price.

If you want to give rustic look to your kitchen then no need to change the entire layout. Just paint your kitchen cabinets with faux wooden paint and see the magic.

The chicken wire door

Remember those wooden chicken boxes in old farmhouses. That wired doors will upstate your regular kitchen cabinet doors. With the help of simple tools like wire, saw, and nails, you can give a laudable and eulogizing makeover to your kitchen cabinets. You can play with your imagination and can draw the rough art over the walls of your cabinets as the wired door with giving a peep sight of it. So, simple isn’t?

A crown always enhances the look

Crown molding over your cabinets is one of the easiest and cost-effective ways to give a refreshed look to your regular kitchen cabinets. It is also very effective to fill those dead spaces over your cabinets. If you have small-sized cabinets which look odd, the crown molding is your best way to give them a taller look. You can enhance the look further by adding the frame around it.


Kitchen cabinets are the soul of your kitchen. So, fill the tattered soul with zest and zeal with above-mentioned DIY kitchen cabinets tips and be a proud owner of a lively kitchen.


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