Are Vinyl Planks Good For Flooring?


If you’ve been on the fence about whether or not to install vinyl plank flooring, then you’ve come to the right place. These luxurious vinyl planks can last up to 20 years with proper care. In addition to their durability, they require little maintenance. Cleaning them simply means sweeping and dusting. Ideally, they should last for 15 years or more. However, if you’re not too careful, you might damage the surface.

There are several types of vinyl plank flooring available, each with its own pros and cons. Rigid core vinyl, for example, is engineered with four layers of material, making it feel more like real wood. Luxury vinyl flooring also comes backed with waterproof PVC. Because of this, it repels water longer. However, the PVC used in vinyl flooring is not without its flaws. Some brands are linked to reproductive and respiratory issues. Fortunately, there are some brands that have been found to release less phthalates.

Another downside of vinyl planks is their uneven quality. Thinner planks are more prone to damage and absorb moisture faster. Eventually, they will swell. For those looking for a durable flooring option, thicker vinyl planks are a better choice. The pros and cons of vinyl planks are discussed in this article. Please share this article with your friends and family! There are a number of benefits to vinyl plank flooring.

In addition to being incredibly durable, vinyl planks are relatively inexpensive. Many of these products are sold with peel-and-stick backing, but you may need to glue them down. A floating floor is the most popular method, as it prevents floor movement. Follow manufacturer’s instructions when installing your flooring. If you’re unsure of your installation skills, it’s best to hire a professional.

Another benefit of vinyl plank flooring is their versatility. Because they can be used in any room of the house, they can serve a dual purpose. Not only can they be used in the kitchen and bathroom, they’re also extremely durable and easy to clean. Children and pets are not likely to damage luxury vinyl plank flooring, and their owners won’t have to worry about their safety. A luxury vinyl plank flooring installation is the best option for a busy household, so it makes sense to invest in this material.

If you’re thinking about installing vinyl plank flooring yourself, it’s important to read the instructions carefully before you begin. The installation process may take one to two days, depending on the size of your room. It may be easier to hire someone if you have the necessary tools and experience. However, a professional installation will be far more expensive. For a 500 square foot room, professional installation will cost around $6,800, according to HomeAdvisor. The cost of professional installation will include installing trim and leveling the subfloor. If you have trouble with DIY projects, hiring a professional could be worth the extra money.

Compared to hardwood flooring, vinyl plank flooring requires little maintenance. Regular sweeping and vacuuming will keep it clean and maintain its luster. Additionally, vinyl plank flooring doesn’t require waxing or refinishing. The protective wear layer helps keep the surface looking fresh for years. Moreover, installation of vinyl plank flooring is much simpler than installing hardwood flooring. Homeowners can also perform the installation on their own or hire a professional for a better result.

There are several types of luxury vinyl planks. The Mannington Adura line is popular, but you might want to check out their Distinctive collection if you want a more realistic wood plank look. These planks are 6 x 48 inches and have micro-bevelled edges, which add to the authenticity. The manufacturer has several different collections ranging from affordable to premium. However, you must note that builders, contractors, and homeowners should check the price and the size of the job before making any purchases.

The thickness of the planks can also affect their durability and comfort. If your flooring is going to be used for high-traffic areas, you may want to opt for a thicker material. For instance, SPC flooring can be made from thin planks, which can make them prone to buckling and creasing. And if you need a tough floor, you may want to go for the more durable luxury vinyl planks.

A few important considerations when choosing a vinyl plank flooring option are color, width, and price. The latter is important for appearance. Wide planks are ideal for large rooms, while narrower ones make small spaces appear larger. The width also depends on the room’s size. Vinyl plank flooring is a great choice, and they mimic the look and feel of expensive hardwood flooring without the high cost and high maintenance.

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