Entrance Mats That Absorb and Do Not Just Dust Off


Opting for a microfibre mat is, above all, the choice of efficiency. Thanks to its millions of extremely fine and dense fibers, the microfiber entrance mat retains deep dirt and dust. While some classic carpets dust off your shoes and move dirt, dirt is trapped in the fibers of the absorbent carpet and will not end up a few meters further on your tile.

The choice of a 100% microfiber absorbentdoormat is all the more clever in winter or wet weather as its absorption is five times greater than a conventional carpet. It is therefore advisable to remain attentive to the degree of absorption mentioned in the characteristics of the product: the true microfibre mats will always indicate this data, unlike certain carpets. To erase the stigma of rain, mud, or snow under your feet, it is necessary that your doormat impregnates all the water on your soles and prevents it from coming out again. Choose a microfiber carpet that absorbs all that water and do not forget that it has to be a grease proof mats.

The Absorbent Doormat: What Size for Which Uses

Dirty grounds are everywhere, just like the front doors. Houses, industrial buildings, public places. The frequency of passage in these zones is decisive in the choice of the size of your doormat.

  • At home, a small rug (60cm x 40cm) is more than enoughfor a reduced activity, in general, a few passages morning and evening
  • In homes where pets live, the medium sizes are more useful.Suitable for the larger wings of some dogs, the 60cm x 80cm entry mat will do the trick
  • Finally, in places of more intense passages, the floor mats for business will find their place.This is particularly the case in companies, public buildings, shops,

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