Solid Wood Vs. Plywood – Know The Difference


We are all aware of the term plywood. Plywood is the most preferred type of material for making new furniture. Whether you are planning to make a brand new dining table or a modular kitchen, plywood is the most preferred material than any other type of wood.

Since plywood is made by man, they are processed through many treatments to make the material stronger, and better. Plywood that is water-resistant, heat resistant, or give more shine is easily available in the market. Since plywood comes with so many options, most of the Plywood Furniture In Australia makers in the world prefer plywood over any other type of wood.

When we plan to make furniture, the first question which comes to our mind is, should we plywood wood or solid wood? This decision depends on a whole new set of factors like cost, the purpose of the furniture, flexibility, strength, etc.  But before we dive into comparison, we need to clear our concept about what exactly is plywood and solid wood.

Plywood is made by man where layers of the wood sheets are glued on top of each other in a zigzag formation. These sheets are sliced from a wood log or are peeled from tree skins. The way the slices are cut and angle of putting determines the texture and pattern of the wood design.

On the other hand, solid wood refers to the wood which is obtained directly from the tree. The trees are cut first, and then these logs are sent to be cut into smaller sizes. These blocks are then sent to factories and workshops to make new furniture.  The most popular type of solid woods which are used for furniture making are Mahogany, Oakwood, Teakwood, Indian Rosewood, Maple and Cherry.

Which one to choose- Plywood or solid wood:

Since we know what plywood and solid wood are, now we need to know the features of both these wood in order to decide which type of wood we should opt for while making furniture.

  • Appearance:

The first criterion to select the type of wood for making furniture is what type of appearance you want. For example, if you are making a display cabinet or a vintage table, then the appearance is what will make it stand out of the way.

If you want to make your furniture look natural, then nothing can beat the looks of solid wood. Plywood might be hardy and cost-effective, but you need to put Formica laminate, in order to make the plywood furniture Australia look natural. These laminates, come at various prices, and if you want to know more about the prices, then you can simply search online with “Formica laminate sheet prices”.

  • Price

When selecting the material for furniture making, you need to set a budget. If you have a low budget, then opting for plywood will be an amazing decision. Not only is plywood cheap, but they are also as hardy as solid wood.

Therefore, when you are planning to make a plywood furniture Australia, you need to understand what your requirements are. Do you want to make it more appealing or do want hardy furniture at a lower cost? According to your needs, select the material.

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