What Are The Reasons To Store Mobility Scooters In Secure Sheds?


Mobility scooters provide a sense of freedom for elderly people, those with a disability and restricted movements, and those who have suffered a life-changing injury. Fantastic as a means of getting out and about and around daily, there is a problem with where exactly you should store a mobility scooter. This can be seen in stories of care homes seeking extra storage space for mobility scooters to avoid congestion and to reduce fire risk in homes. There are a few options as to where you can and should store mobility scooters, and your garden shed might just be the perfect answer.

What are the benefits of a mobility scooter?

A mobility scooter is an essential piece of kit for someone who struggles with mobility issues. Finding the best mobility scooter for your needs will help you to achieve a better lifestyle. Mobility scooters offer:

  • Simple, everyday use – as technology has improved, modern mobility scooters have become incredibly easy to use. They are comfortable and easy to operate, providing mobility and confidence to the user.
  • Use on public transport – you can take mobility scooters onto public transport, as well as into accessible vehicles. This allows you to travel even further than you thought possible. 
  • Easier activities – no matter the reason behind your lack of mobility, a scooter gives you the chance to take part in everyday activities and tasks that might have seemed beyond you prior to owning a scooter.

Why do you need to keep your mobility scooter safe in a metal garden shed?

As with any expensive and important item, it is vital that you look after it and give your scooter the best possible care and attention. This includes regular maintenance checks, repairs, and the issue of where to store your mobility scooter. All these actions will help to prolong the lifespan of the scooter and give you years of joy.

The first consideration is a solution that doesn’t clutter up your home. Second, you want to shield your scooter from wet and extreme temperatures. Third, you want to keep it safe from potential theft due to its importance and cost.  A mobility scooter is too large to realistically fit in most hallways and entranceways. Similarly, leaving it on the doorstep is neither practical nor secure. Storing it in a secure, sheltered area, is the ideal scenario. Your metal garden shedis the perfect storage solution. It is robust, protects against the weather, leaves your home clutter free, and keeps it safely locked away.

A metal garden storage solution offers the perfect place to store your mobility scooter. Scooters are bulky and cumbersome, difficult to find your way around it when you’re on foot in the house and are expensive and should be securely stored to keep safe. The best metal sheds offer the level of protection you require for your mobility scooter. It makes it much harder for a criminal to break in and steal your scooter, whilst providing a scooter-free environment in your home.

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