Truest Steps in Renting House


The contract may also be for a fixed period. Fixed term means that the day on which the contract expires is already agreed upon when the contract is concluded. The fixed-term contract may not be terminated during the term of the contract. It is thus binding on both parties for the entire period. Only in special situations can the tenant apply to the court for termination.

In practice, the binding nature of a fixed-term contract means that the landlord, contrary to the will of the lessee, does not gain control of the apartment, even if it is needed for its own use. On the other hand, commitment also means that if the tenant moves out before the end of the term, he will be liable for the rent loss caused to the landlord until the landlord has received the tenancy again. Try more info for the same and get your choice properly done.

A fixed-term contract can be concluded for any length of time or short term. It can also be concluded several times in succession with the same tenant. Fixed-term contracts of less than three months cannot be concluded more than twice with the same tenant. If a third contract is concluded with the same tenant for a period of less than three months, it shall be deemed to be of indefinite duration.

Unlike in the past, a fixed-term lease term of up to three years can now be included:

A fixed-term contract shall state that it is intended to be valid for a fixed period. The date of commencement of the contract and the date of transfer of ownership shall also be indicated. Finally, a contract expiry date is agreed.

A fixed-term contract is typically used when the landlord knows in advance that he needs an apartment for use at a particular date.

A fixed-term contract must always be in writing in order for the term to be valid. An oral agreement is therefore always considered to be of indefinite duration. However, the fixed-term contract for a holiday home may also be oral.


Amount of rent

The rent of privately financed apartments is freely negotiable. The rent is usually recorded as a monthly rent, for example 700$ per month.

Special compensation

Extra payments in addition to the actual rent may be agreed upon separately. The most common type of compensation is the water charge per person. The amount of the water charge is then significant in the contract.

Usually, it is not advisable to recycle rentals, such as parking, sauna and laundry fees, directly to the housing company through the landlord. Such payments may be made directly by the tenant to the housing company.

The rent period

By law, the lease payment period is one month, but the period can be agreed differently. In short-term fixed-term contracts, it is sometimes agreed that the lease payment period is for the entire term, in which case the entire rent is paid in one installment.

Due Date

The due date is, by law, the second business day of the rental month or calendar month. For example, if the second day of the month is a Saturday, the tenant can pay the rent from his bank on Monday, the fourth day of the month. The maturity date may also be agreed differently, in which case it shall be entered in the contract.

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